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1.8" SBC

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1.8” Single Board Computer (SBC)

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Why 1.8” Single Board Computer?

The 1.8” Single Board Computer (SBC) is a motherboard in an ultra-small and lightweight Pi size. DFI’s 1.8” SBC series is embedded with processors or APU in the x86 architecture to deliver robust power at a smaller footprint for Intelligent Edge Computing.

1.8” Single Board Computer in Edge AI

In the upcoming IoT era, edge applications will be even more ubiquitous and complex. This trend requires the edge devices to be equipped with better computing performance while reducing the size. To fulfill the upcoming trend, DFI’s 1.8” SBC series is tailored to simultaneously making edge applications smaller and providing high performance for data computing and graphic processing.

Industrial-grade 1.8” Single Board Computer

DFI’s 1.8” SBC, features the x86 architecture at the Pi size. Based on the industrial-grade Intel processors and AMD Ryzen APU, the industrial specialized Pi not only has the specification complying with industrial requirements, but also offers the product life cycle up to 15 years to ensure device operation and maintenance with seamless drivers, software, and BIOS update.

1.8” Single Board Computer for Industrial Applications

The high-performance computing capability of DFI’s 1.8” SBC "industrial specialized pi" is tailored for edge applications to be deployed in constraint spaces for long-term use, including:

Industrial Automation: Robotic Arms/ Automatic Mobile Robot (AMR)/ Facial Recognition/ Object Detection

Security: Surveillance, Traffic Flow Analysis

Digital Signage